Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top Ten Books Sequels I'm Dying to Read

So I'm trying something a little new today, and participating for the first time in Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish every (I'm sure you can guess...) Tuesday! Once a week all of us type-A obsessives get the unbridled pleasure of doing what we love best--making lists. This week features ten sequels I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on (in the order they will be released):

1. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare December 6, 2011
Clockwork Angel was so much fun. Dare I say (gasp!) that I liked it even more than The Mortal Instruments series? I am definitely looking forward to more sexual tension (and hopefully steamy romance) in this one!

2. Hallowed by Cynthia Hand January 24, 2012
At the risk of sounding oh-so Elle Woods--ohmigosh you guys. Unearthly was... well... unearthly! Seriously, I can't rave enough; I absolutely loved it. I want to read it over and over and over and over and I very well might do so until the day that Hallowed comes out.

3. Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer January 24, 2012

You can check out my Wow post about this book here! I am very excited that the turn over for this third book is happening so quickly, and I can already tell that the end of January is going to be a total happy read-fest. 

4. Fever by Lauren DeStefano February 21, 2012
Must.know.what.happens! I want more Linden! Needless to say, very excited about Lauren DeStefano's unique world and ready to jump back in (through the safety of a book and not real life, fortunately!)

5. Insurgent by Veronica Roth April 28, 2012
Well, Ms. Roth certainly left us with some worries and questions at the end of that last book, and if Insurgent is as fast paced as Divergent, I'm sure to binge the whole thing in one sitting. 

6. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini May 2012
I listened to Starcrossed one afternoon, stuck in the AHHH-coming-back-to-NYC-on-Sunday traffic that seriously sucks. And I have road rage. But this book kept me calm and distracted throughout the entire experience. I love the family dynamic she created here, and hope we get to see loads more of  Helen, Lucas, Claire,  Hector, and the gang.

7. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead June 19, 2012
Another WoW that you can read up on here.

8. Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore June 21, 2012
This book has been postponed so many times I started to fear it would fade into obscure myth and leave us fans forever waiting; however, this date seems to be the real deal! Graceling and Fire were the two major sources in my college English thesis, so I'm very curious to see what Cashore brings us next.

9. Diva by Jillian Larkin August 2012
Every time I finish a book in this series I tell myself I'm done, and every time I find myself going back. Multiple-perspective books can be hard on the reader pacing-wise, but the 20s are so much fun, and I really adore Clara. The cover has not been released yet, but I have seen it, and the colors on it are gorgeous.

10. Amen L.A. #2 by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld Fall 2012
There is a tentative title picked for this one, but I don't want to post it in the off chance it gets changed. You can see my review of Amen L.A. here. Hopefully this series picks up fans and steam and we can start getting installments more frequently!

That's all for now! I hope everyone had wonderful labor-less Labor Days. Let me know what's on your lists so I can keep on the look out for any undiscovered (by me) gems.


  1. Great list I have several of the same books on mine including Bitterblue.

  2. i have unearthly on my shelf but i still need to read it. i'm hoping i will get to it before the sequel comes out. awesome list :)

    i hope you can stop by and check out my top ten list this week.


  3. I have Dreamless on my list too, I cannot wait.
    The Mortal Instruments has been on my TBR pile for ages, I just need to read them.

    Check out my TTT and my current Giveaway.

    Looking forwards to hearing back from you,

  4. I see several books that we're both dying to read.

    That's awesome to know that Bitterblue has a firm release date now- I was beginning to worry there. I completely agree with you about Unearthly- it's such a gem. And I hope we do see more Linden in Fever. That relationship was very interesting to me.

    Hope you enjoy all the sequels on your list!

  5. Ahh loving this list. I've got Fever, Insurgent, Hallowed, and Clockwork Prince on my list too! They're all going to be fabulous sequels- just trying to survive the wait. Awesome post!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  6. I can't wait for Bitterblue, too :)

  7. 1,5,7 here. I need to read the first books for some of the sequels you posted.
    Marissa @ And many to read before I sleep

  8. Fantastic book list. I've got a few of your chosen books in my Top Ten Tuesday list.


Love all y'all! Thanks for commenting!!
