Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.

Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder

Release Date: December 20, 2011
Publisher: MIRA

Laying hands upon the injured and dying, Avry of Kazan assumes their wounds and diseases into herself. But rather than being honored for her skills, she is hunted. Healers like Avry are accused of spreading the plague that has decimated the Territories, leaving the survivors in a state of chaos.

Stressed and tired from hiding, Avry is abducted by a band of rogues who, shockingly, value her gift above the golden bounty offered for her capture. Their leader, an enigmatic captor-protector with powers of his own, is unequivocal in his demands: Avry must heal a plague-stricken prince—leader of a campaign against her people. As they traverse the daunting Nine Mountains, beset by mercenaries and magical dangers, Avry must decide who is worth healing and what is worth dying for. Because the price of peace may well be her life....

Unfortunately, this is the best quality image that's out in public yet, but I am so bursting with excitement for this book that I couldn't wait for a better one to share! Isn't the cover gorgeous? The Study trilogy was a staple of mine in high school, and when I found the Glass trilogy last fall, I gobbled them up eagerly. Her most recent books Inside Out and Outside In (incredible titles, by the way), were a little different in genre and I didn't like them as much, but Touch of Power seems to be a return to her original works.

This blog is evidence of my love of Contemporary YA, Paranormal Romance, Dystopian, and the other genres that have been flooding the YA market, but occasionally I like to return to the more classic YA Fantasies. When I ran out of Tamora Pierce titles, Maria V. Snyder is who I turned to, and--dare I say--I may have liked her works even better. For any of you who haven't read her work, please do!! They are so much fun to escape into; the heroines are kick-ass, and the plot lines are mercifully surprising and entertaining. She does a great job of mixing romance, action, moral struggle, hilarious secondary characters, and politics (this coming from a girl who would rather eat dirt than take a Poly Sci class). Besides, I can already tell from the cover copy that whatever happens between Avry and the prince is going to be totally "squee-worthy."

Anyone who subscribes to the author's newsletter will have already gotten the first chapter, but the rest of you can find it on her website starting September 15th. What are you excited for this week?


  1. I've been wanting to read the Study trilogy and this series sounds good as well.

    Here's my WOW pick.

    Wit and Sin

  2. Just saw this today on another WoW and am so adding it to my wish list. Love Synder's writing as she has a way with high adventure and romance. Excellent pick!

  3. i just saw this one on a previous WoW. love it, especially the cover.

    check out our WoW post this week. :)


  4. Sounds really good!

    Beth ^_^

  5. This one looks so intriguing...thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST and

  6. Great pick!!! Loves the idea for that ;)

    Paranormal Wastelands WoW

    Zompacolypse is coming. Are you infected?

  7. Love this pick! It's obviously a hit, as I've been seeing it everywhere recently. I'm definitely adding it to my Goodreads shelf, thanks!

    My WoW involves an author and a new YA coming out in October, take a look here. And thanks!

  8. WoW is probably one of my favorite memes because I find so many new books that I've never heard of. This is definitely one of those books. Awesome pick and post because I'm adding it to my wishlist for sure.

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  9. This looks great. Looking forward to reading it!!

    Check out my WOW here.

    Emma @ LostinaYAbook

  10. Nice choice, anything Maria V. Snyder is up my ally:)

    My WoW:

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