Monday, May 7, 2012

Tahereh Mafi's E-Novella Reveal!

It seems that today is the day for exciting news! Tahereh Mafi, the wonderful, talented, and hilarious author of Shatter Me announced that, while she may have shattered the hearts of her many followers when the publication date of Book 2, Unravel Me, got pushed back to February 5, 2013, she's rewarding their love with a special e-novella from Warner's point of view called Destroy Me, which comes out October 16, 2012!

Now I don't know about the rest of you, but despite the fact that he is a misogynist and a psychopath, I have a strange love for Warner, so I am super excited to get to know him in a more personal way! Tahereh Mafi really made her mark last year, bursting into the YA scene with a character that had a voice very unlike any protagonist we'd ever seen. Seeing as Warner is a very different person than Juliette, I can't wait to see what she'll do with his unique voice.

For more information, here's Tahereh herself making the vlog announcement:

Q: Are you Team Adam or Team Kenji or Team Warner?

A: Yeah, you know, I don't actually play sports, so....

How great is she? Are you all excited for this release? If my mother's reaction is any indication, I am in the minority in liking Warner, and definitely in the minority for thinking that Adam is sketchy. Where do you all stand on the love triangle / love rhombus (square? parallelogram?) in the book?

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