Friday, June 1, 2012

Follow Friday

Happy Friday and thanks for dropping by Slush Sleuth!

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read, where we all get together and say "Hi!" This week's question...

You are a matchmaker — your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favorite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go?

MWUAHAHAHA. The evil in me loves this question. I couldn't think of any adorable couples to pair, but who cares about adorable? I just want to pair together some unlikelies and see if anything explodes.

The Alpha Couple
who would either kick universal ass or spend all their time kicking one another's asses
Vampire Academy's Rose Hathaway and The Mortal Instrument's Jace Wayland.

That Boring Couple
who, the second they begin to talk, give your brain an excuse to hit the snooze button
Twilight's Bella Swan and Nightshade's Shay Doran.

This World Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Our Douchebaggeriness
that way, they'd both be in the same place for us to round up and take out
Wildfire's Ashline Wilde and The Selection's Aspen.

All the Awkward Third Wheels
let's just round up all those losers from love triangles, start a club, and give them a big hug
Unless they suck, in which case they can go join a club with Gale Hawthorne.

What do you think, would any of these pairings work? Comment below so I can stop by and see your choices!


  1. I love your Alpha Couple! It's funny cause I also picked people from Vampire Academy and the Mortal Instrument series as well! Rose and Jace would be bad ass!

    Here is mine:

    New Follower :)

  2. I LOVE your blog, it's so good looking! And the answers are awesome. All the Awkward Third Wheels rocked my world :D Thanks for the grin.
    Mine is here

  3. Hopping through. I'd get such a kick out of Rose and Jace. They would probably kill each other.
    My Hop

  4. I agree 100% with the whole 'boring couple' thing! Followed~

    my FF post

    -Ellie @ The Selkie Reads Stories

  5. I love how cute your blog is... and I love how you picked a mixture of couples! too fun!!


    Angela's Anxious Life

  6. New follower. :)

    Hop by my blog sometime.

  7. interesting pairs....i particularly liked the alpha couple and the douchbagriness ones

    new GFC follower. do follow me too

    Here is my FF post

  8. love the title of world ain't big enough
    I’m following you now from Follow Friday, and to follow me back, check out My Follow Friday post

  9. Ahahhaa I absolutely love you right now. Awesome answers, especially the Gale and Bella parts. New your blog design as well as your snark, I supsect I'm gonna be creepin all over your posts in the near future ;)
    My Friday Hops

  10. Hahaha I love all of your choices and post LOL this has been my favorite post all day!!! Thanks so much for sharing :D New Follower via GFC!

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads (YA Blog) & Reading On The Wild Side (Adult Blog)

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Bengal Reads

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Reading On The Wild SideKayla @ Bengal Reads (YA Blog) & Reading On The Wild Side (Adult Blog)

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Bengal Reads

    "Click Here" To view my #FF post for Reading On The Wild Side

  11. Nice answers. I especially love (to hate) the boring couple. :)

    New follower-
    My FF:

  12. This made me LOL! And YES, Aspen is a total douchebag!
    Thanks for stopping by and new follower!

  13. Ha! Nice to see I'm not the only one out there who can't stand Aspen or Gale. Your answers made me laugh a lot.

    Old follower! Thanks for stopping by my FF.

  14. I love your pairings and how you put them into different catagories. Aspen doesn't deserve anyone. Actually just the thought of Bella Swan puts me to sleep!

    New follower!

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  15. Great post!! I love the Alpha couple post..I haven't read The Vampire Academy series but I really need too!!

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by and following..I am following you back :) P.S. I LOVE your blog design :)

  16. Hi there, Thank you for stopping by my blog. This is such a clever and hysterical idea for your post! I haven't read any of these books except the first two Twilight I'm a bit familiar with Bella. (New follower!)

  17. I love your alpha and boring couple. Interesting pairs!

    Thanks for stopping by and following. Am returning the favor, via GFC under Felicia Chien

    ~ Livin' Life Through Books

  18. Hahaha brilliant answer! I love all your choices :) Thanks for stopping by! Following you back :)

  19. Rose and Jace! What a combination! That's what I call original! Thanks for following my blog, made sure to return the favor :)
    Your blog is sooo cute, by the way!

  20. I like the way you think twin! Rose and Jace would be one hott couple. Love your blog, its ridiculously cute!!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  21. LOL you are sooooooo good at this!!!!!!!! I agree about both the first two categories!!! Still need to read The Selection!!!!! Awesome post!!! This is such a great question!!! :-) Beautiful blog!!!!!!!


  22. Heehee it is quite alright for you to get so serious about this matchmaking thing. Really caring people want to see certain book characters happy, and now we get to make them happy =)

    As I have only read half of each of your pairings, I cannot fully bask in this wonderness. But I do feel like the ones I do know you put EXACTLY where they need to be.

    Thanks for stoppin' by! Following back!

  23. I am number 100!!! New follower!! I am from Colorado.. are you? If so message me.. there is a Colorado Bloggers group (you can read more about it on the link I have listed at the top of my blog).


  24. I love the way you did your match-ups!! That' great.

    GFC follower

  25. Hmm, interesting picks. However, I am not sure I would wish Bella on anyone :P

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the follow via GFC ^_^

    sinn @ sinnful books

  26. I am a new follower, i am planning to do the FF but don't have a post yet. I see all the Linky's are closed, so not sure what that means. I can't add a link, but decided to come visit a bunch anyway. If you want to follow back, I am here :) (My blog is new, and a work in progress, just FYI)


Love all y'all! Thanks for commenting!!